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E-book Succesvolle strategieën voor KMO en MKB

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    Wat anderen over Koen zeggen

    In je leven heb je van die mensen die je inspireren en bijblijven. Jij bent zo één van die mensen voor mij.
    Danny Castelo
    via LinkedIn
    In je leven heb je van die mensen die je inspireren en bijblijven. Jij bent zo één van die mensen voor mij.
    Danny Castelo
    I have had the pleasure of knowing Koen since our days as classmates pursuing our bachelor's degree in marketing. Our professional paths converged once again during our tenure at BPB Gyproc, where we collaborated closely on the development and implementation of a groundbreaking strategy for a highly ambitious plan to target the DIY market segment. Koen's invaluable contributions played a pivotal role in the resounding success of this initiative. It ...
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    Paul Mc Nicol
    via LinkedIn
    I have had the pleasure of knowing Koen since our days as classmates pursuing our bachelor's degree in marketing. Our professional paths converged once again during our tenure at BPB Gyproc, where we collaborated closely on the development and implementation of a groundbreaking strategy for a highly ambitious plan to target the DIY market segment. Koen's invaluable contributions played a pivotal role in the resounding success of this initiative. It was readily apparent that Koen possessed an innate entrepreneurial vision, demonstrating an exceptional ability to identify and target profitable business markets with precision. His strategic insights and dedication were instrumental in steering our efforts towards achieving exceptional outcomes. Witnessing Koen's evolution into director and general manager roles further validated his exceptional strategic acumen. His commitment to refining and implementing high-impact strategies has consistently yielded remarkable results, solidifying his reputation as a leader with an unparalleled ability to drive business growth. Koen's proficiency in crafting and executing strategies is truly commendable. He is an individual driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence and possesses an innate talent for transforming visions into tangible, successful endeavors. I have no doubt that Koen's future endeavors will continue to be marked by the same level of dedication, innovation, and success that he consistently brings to the table.
    Paul Mc Nicol
    I know Koen as a professional who has continued to grow our Benelux office. Even in difficult situations, Koen knows how to find a solution, supported by his team. Koen's strategic insight has undoubtedly been one of the success factors in achieving growth. I have also come to know Koen as a leader who puts his team before himself.
    Ronan Lebraut
    via LinkedIn
    I know Koen as a professional who has continued to grow our Benelux office. Even in difficult situations, Koen knows how to find a solution, supported by his team. Koen's strategic insight has undoubtedly been one of the success factors in achieving growth. I have also come to know Koen as a leader who puts his team before himself.
    Ronan Lebraut
    My experience of Koen as Manager, Leader, Coach and Friend can be written in a few words: intelligent, perceptive, clearmindend, strategic, human, dedicated and passionate. In my time at MBS Koen gave me strategic insight in sales, client-relationships and a new approach of marketing use. I would recommend him in every way and business!
    Liesbeth Deckers
    via LinkedIn
    My experience of Koen as Manager, Leader, Coach and Friend can be written in a few words: intelligent, perceptive, clearmindend, strategic, human, dedicated and passionate. In my time at MBS Koen gave me strategic insight in sales, client-relationships and a new approach of marketing use. I would recommend him in every way and business!
    Liesbeth Deckers
    Koen has a refreshing idealism tempered only enough to accomplish what needs to be done. With his relentless motivation and knowledge of marketing and sales, Koen can bring a wealth of knowledge and skills in any seminar, conference or course.
    Peter Geyhsenberg
    via LinkedIn
    Koen has a refreshing idealism tempered only enough to accomplish what needs to be done. With his relentless motivation and knowledge of marketing and sales, Koen can bring a wealth of knowledge and skills in any seminar, conference or course.
    Peter Geyhsenberg

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